Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, ladies.
Hope you have a good one!

Photo From: Awkward Family Photos

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

To All Those Singers Out There

With the accidental discovery of another internet gem, I thought I'd share this lovely video with you guys. Though the link is here, I have uploaded it for all of you who are lazy, like me.

With the upcoming start of yet another season of American Idol, I'd like to pose the question to all singers who try out, or would secretly love to sing online. What makes these people think they are so good? There's a difference between confidence and ignorance. I'm curious as to how all the terrible singers out there think they're so great. I'm even aware I suck at singing.

I could link several american idol tryouts, but I'm sure you can find all the best ones on youtube. Though this year it will not be the same without crazy Paula, we can always turn to Ellen D. She knows a lot about singing, right?

If you've got any internet friends who happen to be AWESOME singers, please send them my way. After all, humor during finals week is really appreciated.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

This Semester's Art

I rarely post school work. I'm a lazy person, and doing that requires going over to the art building and snapping some shots. However, if I showed everything here I've done in the past semester, I'm pretty sure it would be overload. I picked my favorite things to display here for you guys.

This drawing was based on bones, believe it or not. Not sure why, but Stake, my drawing teacher, told us to do an "ambiguous space" drawing inspired by a bone shape. So, we each grabbed one and drew away. Conte and charcoal were my weapons of choice for this one.

This assignment I totally treated as a joke. And yet, I still like how it came out. We were told to draw something that included metal, hair, drapery, and a pattern. The first thing that included at least two of those aspects was a Spartan Helmet. And when something gets stuck in my mind, it's stuck. So, I chose this. In one of the dark corners I wrote this is sparta in pencil, so if you shine it the right way in the light you can see it. However, it is very small, and a joke to all those who were there in the studio when I drew this. Conte and charcoal were used on this, as well.

Before diving into the area of model drawing, we were told to compose a composition of hands and feet. Though I misused the bottom space pretty terribly, I loved the end restult - my drawings was one of the only "conceptual" ones in the class. Most people, though I can't blame them, just composed hands and feet somehow. Yet we see my mythology class slipping into my brain here. Hermes, anyone? More conte and charcoal.

We also did a few head studies of each other in class. This was my first and favorite. Done with conte.

One thing that we always did in the beginning of class before drawing large drawings is gestures. It's like a warm up. Though last year I hated doing these, this semester mine have gotten better. These are only a fraction of them, ranging from one to three minute poses. These were usually done with conte.

We also did some slightly longer poses, and did contour drawings, as well as more shaded ones. Conte was used for these.

We also had a male model for about a week, who I drew both in and out of class a few times. The orange conte piece I drew outside of class in an open model session one night, and this was my favorite one. Unfinished, but it wasn't a long pose. The second I drew in class on grey paper with different types of conte, and is alright to me. Everyone else's looked better, I think, but somehow I still enjoy the way the medium and paper worked together.

This last collection is my final - something I did in the end just to peeve Stake, and finally have some fun myself. I have been thinking in titles, and mannequins are super creepy in my opinion. With their heads covered like this, it made way for some interesting thoughts. The still life in class was very complicated, but I stuck to simple elements. Which he didn't mind in the end, though I think he liked other things I've done better. Though many pieces in the class surpassed mine in terms of effort I'd say, I had fun, and it's pretty impressive I did these when my brain was pretty much done with work. Done with colored conte.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

First Snow of the Season!

Yesterday we had our first real "big snow". No flurries for us anymore, and it's about time really. Last year, this kind of snow arrived before thanksgiving However, it was kind of nice to walk out of lunch and see the much-fun-to-watch group of students building various snowmen (which look lovely so far here, though later that night I note that most of them had fallen down, or were turned into chairs.)

After lab, I figured it would be appropriate to go scrape off my car. Even if it wasn't going anywhere, I didn't want snow freezing on it. But when I got to the parking lot, it pretty much looked like this (with lovely Sam as our model, she was wow'd too).

With each car a blob of snow, and all of us of course plowed in, I realize no, my school hadn't put in the snow policy in effect. There was no moving of cars, or nice plowing. Instead, they decided to plow it like crap, and snow all of us in. Where did that leave me? Shovel-less. Though I continued to scrape off my car for 45 minutes, there had been a few highlights to the day. First, on my way down, I spotted this driver using innovative ways to keep their drinks cold. They must not have a fridge.

And of course, the second highlight of the day (which actually came first) happened earlier that morning. It shouldn't be as funny as I thought it was, but for those of us with a dumb sense of humor, you'll understand. Walking to lecture I witnessed a girl walk past me the other way, and slip on a patch of ice in front of me. She might have blamed it on the fairly poor salting job on behalf of our campus, but I felt like it was a better idea to blame it on her boots. Why?

Because ladies, uggs are NOT real boots.

You would think that the feet of snow we get up here every year would teach them something. Maybe like, snow boots are more appropriate. Rather, everyone still tramps around in these ugly things people actually call shoes, and deem them appropriate winter wear. Not only are they expensive, but they are in fact, very ugly, and make your feet look large. As to why uggs are stupid, actually, that's a whole other rant.

There's also the popular argument that these shoes were in fact were first made for surfers in Australia and New Zealand (as confirmed by wikipedia, our trustful source). Though it may be true that pilots in World War II war similar boots to keep their feet warm, it's unlikely they were worried about slipping on ice in their planes. I may also add they called them "fug boots," which clearly means they knew they were ugly, not that they were "flying ugg boots." What bullshit.

Though they might keep your feet warm - the true downfall is they have little grip compared to real boots, and most importantly, they are not waterproof. My roommate from last year can assure this fact, and wants to actively search for better boots. I support her decision.

So to all those in the snow, please, please invest in some real boots. You have many fashionable choices.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Monster Racism

As the semester comes to a close, my mythology class comes to a close. For those of you that know me well enough to hear my rants on AIM, you know there has never been a class I've hated more. Even including high school math. This says a lot. This week is presentation week for our final projects. Our task was to map the myth of the group of the argonauts, some groups were assigned books to map the places, and others map the actual stops along the journey. My group was the latter, taking up the first four spots. My assigned place was Cyzicus.

No one's ever heard of this place, but long story short, the events that took place there with the Argonauts all centered down to the events of Hera's monsters attacking them. It could be seen as one of Hercules' labors, and he of course shot and killed all the monsters.


Because monsters aren't humans and that's not ok with the Argonauts. According to my mythology teacher, that is.
Now I said, monsters always get killed by the heroes in myth, that's just how it goes? Though 'monster racism' to me evokes the image of the cyclops sitting in the back of the bus or Cerberus tramping into one bathroom while Hercules strides into another. Racism? Maybe.

We have plenty of examples in this besides Hercules killing Hera's monsters on the peninsula of Cyzicus.

Odysseus comes to mind. After all, what right did he have to go into the Cyclops's home and go on poking his eye out! And eating his food! Ok so maybe a few of his friends got killed slash eaten, but he didn't have to go there in the first place asking for hospitality when he was stealing first! Besides, blinding someone is just uncalled for. And then mocking them for being blind.


Also, what about the centaurs? And when they went to war with the Lapiths? Peirithous invited them to the wedding to have a little fun, and so they did. Nothing wrong with a little drinking, right? I'm sure the flirting was all in good fun. The Lapiths should have loosened up a little.


And hey, the harpies. We all know these birds used to be some lovely women. And then it was decided that, ok, lets turn them into some "nasty birds". Oh, and they should smell bad. So now they're associated with death and all these other negative things because they smell a little? They have other great skills like flying as fast as lightning, carrying away those annoying children and wounded people that just complain all the time, and they have great taste in food. So why doesn't anyone hang out with these chicks? All they need is a little shower.


Another group of lovely ladies are subject to this horror. The Sirens, an eclectic group of women have the wonderful talent of singing, are often ignored. Odysseus and his men used earplugs. Earplugs! And yet, such a gorgeous talent! Other sailors seem to love them so much - so props to them for NOT being racist and recognizing the talent of these women. They truly know how to hang out with the Sirens too, such good people.

I could go on and on, there are other monsters that are subject to terrible racism. Medusa, Chariybdis, Cerberus, and several more are some great singular examples.

And the mission here? Make sure that in mythology classes around the world understand the need to stress the theme of monster racism.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I am now off for the night to enjoy some TV entertainment.


Because we all know caps lock is the in thing right now. Or something like that.

After all this crap I have in my daily life [which is actually close to nothing and I really doubt this is going to be important in any fashion], I decided to make a blog. Shameless advertising and the explanation of my lol artistic title can come later.

For now, I'm simply hoping this isn't another atempt at me failing to blog. Last time I tried, I was going to share all my hilarious stories from online writing. Which I'd still love to do, but that requires thinking. And if you don't know this already, I am quite a lazy bum. So, this is just going to be a "lol look what I did today" kind of blog, which means yeah, I need to get on taking pictures more often. And some other fun things.

Ta ta for now.
Look forward to entries later.