Yesterday we had our first real "big snow". No flurries for us anymore, and it's about time really. Last year, this kind of snow arrived before thanksgiving However, it was kind of nice to walk out of lunch and see the much-fun-to-watch group of students building various snowmen (which look lovely so far here, though later that night I note that most of them had fallen down, or were turned into chairs.)
After lab, I figured it would be appropriate to go scrape off my car. Even if it wasn't going anywhere, I didn't want snow freezing on it. But when I got to the parking lot, it pretty much looked like this (with lovely Sam as our model, she was wow'd too).

With each car a blob of snow, and all of us of course plowed in, I realize no, my school hadn't put in the snow policy in effect. There was no moving of cars, or nice plowing. Instead, they decided to plow it like crap, and snow all of us in. Where did that leave me? Shovel-less. Though I continued to scrape off my car for 45 minutes, there had been a few highlights to the day. First, on my way down, I spotted this driver using innovative ways to keep their drinks cold. They must not have a fridge.

And of course, the second highlight of the day (which actually came first) happened earlier that morning. It shouldn't be as funny as I thought it was, but for those of us with a dumb sense of humor, you'll understand. Walking to lecture I witnessed a girl walk past me the other way, and slip on a patch of ice in front of me. She might have blamed it on the fairly poor salting job on behalf of our campus, but I felt like it was a better idea to blame it on her boots. Why?
Because ladies, uggs are NOT real boots.
You would think that the feet of snow we get up here every year would teach them something. Maybe like, snow boots are more appropriate. Rather, everyone still tramps around in these ugly things people actually call shoes, and deem them appropriate winter wear. Not only are they expensive, but they are in fact, very ugly, and make your feet look large. As to why uggs are stupid, actually, that's a whole other rant.
There's also the popular argument that these shoes were in fact were first made for surfers in Australia and New Zealand (as confirmed by wikipedia, our trustful source). Though it may be true that pilots in World War II war similar boots to keep their feet warm, it's unlikely they were worried about slipping on ice in their planes. I may also add they called them "fug boots," which clearly means they knew they were ugly, not that they were "flying ugg boots." What bullshit.
Though they might keep your feet warm - the true downfall is they have little grip compared to real boots, and most importantly, they are not waterproof. My roommate from last year can assure this fact, and wants to actively search for better boots. I support her decision.
So to all those in the snow, please, please invest in some real boots. You have many fashionable choices.

I love that I'm mentioned in this.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I slipped and COMPLETELY wiped out on the way to dance on the last Wednesday of classes. And yes, I'm well aware it was the boots. And no, I was not pleased.
I miss you.