On our way to said countryside, we crossed a one lane bridge and parked in the lot on the other side, allowing us to take some shots on the lake. A trailer park sits nestled on this side, another overlooked, average scene. I couldn't help but to add this last minute to the set.

Travelling under the bridge, I managed to capture a shot of the other side, a boat place sitting on the frozen shores of the lake.

Many roads thankfully were empty today. Cruising in the country got me plenty of road shots, which I couldn't get enough of, not when they're bare and fabulous. But this one capture my eye because of the light, which seemed so eerie today in some shots. Not that it looked so dark in actuality, but my camera seemed to want to add a mood - and I agreed with it.

Of course, with all the roads comes my love for barns that look like they'll fall apart at any moment. Though I'm sure I have plenty of these accumulated over the years, I thought I'd share this one to add to the series as well.

A few random turns led us to this eerily lit.... something or other. Though it was locked from entrance, this property seemed like the perfect place to photograph.

Of course, on the way home I managed to do one of those things I always do, snap a shot through the windshield at a red light. This little overlooked abandonded plot has been on my mind to go back to for a shoot. However, for now, this fits perfectly in the dreary winter mood.

After accumulating all these images with a similar mood, I hope to use a few of them in the final critique next thursday. I have no idea what I really want to do, but maybe something genius will come to me in the meanwhile.
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