My first assignment was to do research on designs from a specific area of the world - and what did I pick but Native American? Using designs to make a bird-like creature like what might have been seen in one of many Native American cultures, Out of my three designs this got the approval. After the process (including a few failures here and there), I finally printed my first t-shirt tonight with this design.

For those of you who are familiar with my Julian, you might recognize this bird from one of his tattoos.
However, when I tried to print this same bird on a darker t-shirt, I miserably failed after realizing I didn't use an opaque formatted pigment (work ok on white since it's light, but not on dark shirts). Since I tried to use light pink, it's barely visible, but still there. I might put a black bird over it tomorrow, just to make a mistake look cool, and an overlap might look interesting.

Overall, the shirt-making process is really easy and fun, and with a few DIY shirts under my wing now, I might start making a few to sell and even wear myself. Last class, to keep myself entertained, I made a mono-print while waiting for my screen print to dry. I sent it to several people as an exclamation of finding out how to make shirts, and several relatives agreed I could sell, and these are fun, easy designs to make with an artistic and abstract quality machines cannot reproduce.

This week I will be continuing to make several more, including more trips to AC Moore with friends, and designs for a few people once I get their size. If you have ideas, please let me know! I might even make one that says Erosion of the Mind.
Cheers all, and it is time to mentally prepare for Monday.
These are BEAUTIFUL. Can you design my wardrobe for me? Pretty please?